The Dashboard is the Orders landing page and provides a quick overview of activity and standings for the user. Use the View Dashboard As dropdown (#5 below) to view the dashboard for other users or select Global View to see company wide information.
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Select another user from the dropdown menu to view their dashboard or click Everyone to see the global view. |
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New projects this month: The first bar shows projects that were created last month, and the second shows new projects for the current month. Use this metric to keep yourself on track for growth.
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Active quotes: This card displays details about your current active quotes (quotes in draft or sent status). Use this metric to see your potential revenue (excluding shipping / taxes) if outstanding quotes are approved.
4 | Active purchase orders: This card displays details about active purchase orders.
Use this metric to monitor your purchase order pipeline.
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Tasks: This tile displays your tasks for the day. You can also add and edit tasks from the dashboard. See Working with tasks for more information. |
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Total estimated revenue (MTD): This card displays the estimated revenue (excluding shipping / taxes) from all quotes that have been marked approved during the active calendar month. Use this metric to stay on track with your monthly sales and margin goals.
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Projects on hold: This card displays the number of projects you currently have on hold. Use this metric to determine which projects need more attention. |
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Recent projects: This card displays (and links to) the last four projects you viewed.
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Recent contacts: This card displays (and links to) recent contacts.
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