Quote details

To return to a quote, return to the contacts' main page, open the project, and then open the quote to display the Quote details page.

Quote details page


1 Quote status: Quote status' are manually updated. Click the drop-down to select a status.

More actions: Click the More actions drop-down to calculate or clear sales tax on the quote, or to delete the quote.



Preview: Click Preview to see what your client will receive when you share the quote link. 

From this screen you can access the More actions drip-down functions, or click the Share button in the upper right corner to access a share link for the quote.


4 Save: Click Save to apply any changes you have made to the quote.
5 Quote details: This field shows the shipping details that were entered when the quote was created.
6 Quote summary: The Quote summary itemized the important details about the quote.
7 Products: This field contains links to products ordered from different suppliers for this quote.
8 Add product: Click the drop-down on the Add product button to open a product search or to manually add a product.
9 Supplier tabs: Click on the different tabs to access product information for items ordered from different suppliers.
10 Set up: Click Set up to configure the product, or to change the configuration set when the quote was created.
11 Create purchase order: Click here to create a PO for the supplier. See Create a Purchase Order.


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