
Quick Creating Tasks is the fourth step in the Quick Start process (after Add a contact, Create a project, and Create a quote). Tasks help keep you on track with the project while you wait for your client to approve the quote. Once you receive approval, you are ready to create a purchase order based on the quote. 

The Tasks view shows immediate and upcoming tasks associated with a contact.

Tasks outlined in red are overdue. Overdue tasks will always be listed in the Today column.

Once a task is marked as complete, it drops to the end of the task list in the Today column, regardless of the due date. This includes overdue tasks, and tasks that are completed early.


Add task

This form appears when you click Add task from anywhere on the screen.

All fields are shown in the image below; however, fields 4 through 7 are only visible in the application by clicking the More options button that appears when the screen is first opened.

image.png Any of these fields may be edited at any time by clicking on the ellipsis on the task card.

1 Add you task title here.
2 The task is assigned to the current user by default. Click the down arrow to select a different user.
3 Enter the task due date here. Click the calendar icon to select a different date.  
4 Click the down arrow to toggle between normal and high priority. High priority tasks are noted with a red flag.
5 Click the down arrow to select an optional category tag for the task. The tag will be visible on the task card.
6 Click the down arrow to associate the task with a particular project. This field is optional but if you choose a project, the name of the project will be visible on the task card.
7 Details can include a list of questions for a phone call, or specific instruction for another user who will complete the task... anything that would be useful for you and your team.



Mark complete

This field will change to "Mark incomplete" if a task is marked complete.

Completed tasks fall to the bottom of the Today column.

View Click here to see a synopsis of the task.
Edit Click here to open the Edit task screen, which is identical to the Add task screen.
Duplicate Click here to duplicate a task. Unless you edit the title of the task, it will appear as "copy of [task title]".
Delete Click here to permanently delete a task.


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