Create and Manage Projects

QuickCreate a Project is the second step in the Quick Start process (after Add a contact.) After completing this step, go to Create a Quote to configure products for your client.

Create a Project

A Project in Commercio Orders is for managing Quotes and Purchase Orders. Projects can be created from the Projects tab in the a contact's main page.


To create a Project:

1. Go to the Contacts list and open the contact for which you want to create a project.
2. Click on Create project to display a popup where you can enter information for the project.
If you choose "Yes, create a quote", the project is added to the project list and you are taken to a quote screen. If you choose "No, create a quote later", your project is only added to the project list for this client. You can return to the project list any time and click on the project to create a quote.

Manage Projects

To view and manage projects for contacts, locate the contact in the Contact List, then click on the contact's name to open the Contact Main Page. where you will see all of the projects for this contact listed.


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