Create a Quote for a Client

Quick Create a Quote is the third step in the Quick Start process (after Add a contact and Create a project). While you are creating a quote, you will be able to calculate sales taxes and receive a link to share the quote with your client. After completing this step, you can create tasks to help keep you on track with the project while you wait. Once you receive approval, you are ready to create a purchase order based on the quote. 


To create a Quote:

  1. Go to the Contacts list.

  2. Select the contact for whom you would like to create a quote.

  3. Select an existing project from the list in the Projects tab, or Create a project. and select Quote.

  4. Scroll down to the Products section and click Add product to open the What are you looking for? screen:


  5. From here, you can search for products using keywords, categories, vendors or a price range.

    The Vendors (suppliers) listed in the drop-down indicate vendors who offer special pricing through Orders. To order a product from an outside supplier, click Manually add a product.

    Click Apply to search within the parameters you set.


  6. You will see basic product information from the product search. Click on any product to view more detailed information from the supplier, including decoration options, inventory and pricing for the selected product. 


    Under Pricing, the Blank price is the price for no decoration; Decorated is the price for personalization.


    Make note of product decoration information so you can accurately configure the product in the quote. You might want to duplicate the product search tab in a separate tab to use later. To duplicate the tab, right click on the tab, then select Duplicate tab.


  7. Click Add to Quote to add the product to the quote. A popup message will appear. Click View quote to go back to your quote to set pricing. You can also click Back to quote #xx-x at the top of the screen.

  8. From the quote, click Set up.

  9. Then click Edit to configure the product for your client.


    • Colors and sizes | Quantity


      Click in the fields to configure the product to match your client's need. Click Add colors and sizes to configure additional quantities of the same product.

    • Decoration
      Enter the information from your product search. This is where you will use that tab you duplicated earlier.

      Decoration information is manually entered.


    • Pricing
      Net cost pricing is automatically populated. Manually enter either Retail cost or Margin. The Total cost to your client is automatically calculated using this information.

      You can also enter custom charges for packaging, shipping, product decoration setup, etc.


  10. When you are finished configuring the product, scroll to the top of the page and click Save to return to the quote.

    mceclip4.pngYou will have the opportunity to change product configuration during the purchase order process if necessary.

  11. Click Preview to see the client view of your quote.

  12. From the client view, click Share.

    If you have a Nexxus address that matches the shipping address, you are presented with the option to calculate tax, or continue without calculating.

    If you choose to calculate, taxes for the quote are calculated and will appear on the quote.

  13. Regardless of which option you choose, you are presented with the option to share the quote. In this example, taxes are calculated.

  14. After creating the quote, you are ready to Share the quote with your client. Communications with your client take place outside of the Orders platform but can be tracked in platform using Tasks.
  15. Click Share Quote to access a link to the quote that you can share with your client.

  16. Click Copy link and paste the link into a message to your client.

    From here you can set up Tasks to remind yourself to follow up with your client and obtain approval for the quote.

    After you obtain approval from your client, you are ready to create a purchase order.



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